
In today's technological age, when many service infrastructures and team strength are needed in the field of information technologies, we face many challenges such as education, social security, job security, HR processes, administration.

In today's technological age, when many service infrastructures and team strength are needed in the field of information technologies, we face many challenges such as education, social security, job security, HR processes, administration. The suitability and continuity of the experience of the personnel who will manage the services in the IT department are the most frequently encountered problems. On the other hand, the fact that professionals in the sector are open to job offers in many fields and take the know-how issue with them reveals the fact of the sustainability of the service's commitment to the person.

As NGTech, we support the business continuity of our business partners thanks to the professionals in all the areas we serve. When resources are needed, we already provide services to our business partners with the rapid interventions of professionals in our staff, without disrupting business continuity and know-how flow.

· According to the customer's working hours and personnel needs, it may cover the provision of the relevant service on-site, remotely or in both cases.

* The quality of the work can be measured by determining the reporting templates according to the nature of the work performed.

* Personnel continuity is ensured by following the processes in accordance with the determined HR formats.

* Allows you to make manageable budgeting by managing the personnel resource.

In today's technological age, when many service infrastructures and team strength are needed in the field of information technologies, we face many challenges such as education, social security, job security, HR processes, administration. The suitability and continuity of the experience of the personnel who will manage the services in the IT department are the most frequently encountered problems. On the other hand, the fact that professionals in the sector are open to job offers in many fields and take the know-how issue with them reveals the fact of the sustainability of the service's commitment to the person.

As NGTech, we support the business continuity of our business partners thanks to the professionals in all the areas we serve. When resources are needed, we already provide services to our business partners with the rapid interventions of professionals in our staff, without disrupting business continuity and know-how flow.

· According to the customer's working hours and personnel needs, it may cover the provision of the relevant service on-site, remotely or in both cases.

* The quality of the work can be measured by determining the reporting templates according to the nature of the work performed.

* Personnel continuity is ensured by following the processes in accordance with the determined HR formats.

* Allows you to make manageable budgeting by managing the personnel resource.

Professional Services

The informatics you need
The best services for technologies!

Danışmanlık Hizmetleri

Consulting Services

Technical evaluation, analysis and
Consulting with reporting!

Managed Services

With cloud services integration
value added services!

Dış Kaynak Hizmetleri

Outsourcing Services

Your business with our expert staff
and support your budget!

Business Partners

Business Partners

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We care about your cooperation and support.